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Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Orphanage visit and chicken pox drama

I really had no idea what we would see once we were inside the orphanage. You hear horror stories about some places, and I had not heard much about Ava-Yin's. I was pleasantly surprised.
There are several buildings that make up this SWI (Social Welfare Institute) and they were surrounded by big playgrounds and a nice-looking garden area.
We didn't get to see where she slept or ate. Instead they took us to the classrooms. Each room was dedicated to a specific area of learning and/or development: music, dancing, art, computers, physical therapy, fine motor skills, math, and more. We couldn't take pictures, but I remember thinking that every room was clean, organized, colorful and fun! I even told Lee "she's gonna be bored at home"!:) There seemed to be 3-5 caregivers for each small group of children. Again, we didn't see every area, or everyone, but what we did see was very positive to me.
Our drama: when we got Ava-Yin, I asked if she was taking any meds. They told me no, and then a few minutes later handed me several medicine samples. I wrote how many times/day she was to take each one...but I never understood what they were for. We foud out later-Chicken pox. She didn't have many on her face and she was all bundled up, so we didn't realize til later that the breakout was all over her back and tummy. Great. Lee and I have already had them, and the family we're traveling with was fine...except for their new daughter-not vaccinated. Helen called folks at our adoption agency and they immediately took steps to separate our two families
:((((...this just stinks because we've really enjoyed the Maddoxs. Totally awesome family.
Anyway...the 'quarantine' has not been a huge deal, BUT, since she's only had the virus since Sunday, we're concerned the doctor who clears us to leave for the US, may want us to stay in-country for a while longer. We won't know til Saturday, I believe. You know what's next: please pray the virus is running its course now and she'll be cleared on Saturday. 
Other than this little hiccup, she is doing so well!!

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