Oh! And proper perspective all of the time. Easypeasy.
This last one is key...because overall, Ava-Yin has done AMAZING...and I mean, super, duper amazing. I didn't realize what a blessing the timing of the travel would be, but because it was over the Christmas/New Year season, Lee has not had to return to work yet-that happens on Thursday. Eeeek!
So...we've been able to totally focus on getting her into a routine. Did you know I like routine? It makes me blissfully happy, content, and feel in control when everyone in the household follows THE (aka MY) routine. I was so excited that we recovered from jet lag within a few days. Those 3:45am wake ups were killer! Once we had that hurdle jumped it was time to schedule her naps and bed times.
She was all for it... HAHAHAHA!!
Look at this picture...aren't they cute?
Yeah, well, this took two hours...from 8-10...to get to this point. Not a part of the routine.
After a couple of nights of wild party in the girl's room, we decided to bunk their beds. Ava-Yin is on the top bunk, bc we figured she'd be less likely to try to climb down. Instead, she fell off five minutes after I walked out of the room. This was the first time she cried from being in pain. Whoops. No serious injuries though, and back up she went. She fell asleep after that.
Since then, at nap time and bed time, I post myself outside of their room until Ava-Yin is asleep. The goal is to not let them get riled up. So in and out I go. It seems like a really long time of persistent, tender-loving good nights...but it's really only been 15-30 minutes tops. <insert above wish list>
We do have immediate tears any time she is told no, or doesn't get her way. But, she suffers quietly, and it's a great opportunity to snuggle and love on her. Sometimes, she seems to love us right back. Other times, she is barely tolerating us...hard to believe, isn't it? And then other times, she wants nothing to do with anyone...
When we aren't forcing slumber on her, we are playing and doing our daily chores and such. We've only left the house three times for very short in-town trips, and she's done well each time. It is a juggle trying to be sure all four of the kiddos are given good attention. Briton, Zoe and Ava-Yin demand it-usually at the same time, and usually about food. Sometimes I wonder if I've even spoken to Caleb during the day! Poor Bub!
At the end of the day, though, I can look back and be confident that this house is full of JOY. Thank you, Lord for joy.
Lee has just politely reminded me it's 7:02. Wish me luck! I'll be pacing outside a certain bedroom if anyone needs me!
JOY-Caleb and Ava-Yin.
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