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Friday, October 11, 2013

Today. A year ago.

It just feels so weird to think back to a year ago today.

Lee and I had packed Caleb, Briton and Zoe off  to Ga with their grandparents for the weekend. We were going to a Marriage Conference on Friday and Saturday morning. After the conference, we would spend an evening with another couple. A fun-filled, child-free weekend! WHOOP WHOOP!

During the Friday evening session, a mother, who had recently adopted from Ethiopia, was sharing her story and promoting an adoption/foster care organization she and her husband had developed. It truly was an amazing, heart-warming presentation.

I remember sensing a physical change in Lee during her talk, but didn't think much about it. I moved on to the rest of the conference. I thought he had too.

It wasn't until after the seminar was over that Lee shared with me the very direct calling he had felt during the adoption testimony. He knew, beyond any doubt, that we were to adopt an orphan.

That was a year ago today. It's been a year? or, it's only been a year? I'm not sure which. It seems like a really long time ago...and then it seems like, 'wait a minute! we just started this!'

But clearly, the best thing to reflect on is the way God has gone before us during the entire process. From choosing an adoption agency, to the way our paperwork flowed, to our matching with Ava-Yin, to the fundraising...He has been there all along...several steps ahead of us, and in remarkable ways.

I suspect we still have much to see of Him as the rest of the story is written.

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