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Friday, January 17, 2014

Four+ weeks home

In my last blog post, we'd only left the house three times, Lee was returning to work and bedtime was annoying.

Since then, Ava-Yin has been to worship team practice, Bible Study, church and the aquarium.  We've been able to leave her in very capable hands at church functions, and she's done really well...she thoroughly enjoys being out and about.

Lee went back to work for a week before his schedule changed to rotating 12hr night shifts. Jury is still out on how much we 'like' this new arrangement. He gets home from his 12-hr shift as we are waking up in the morning. He's ready for bed, the girls are ready to PLAY!! Good thing we have four very quiet, compliant children who sit downstairs and silently read books while their daddy is sleeping. 

Bedtime is much better. I had to get a little bit creative, but now I'm able to put the girls down, and they play quietly until they go to sleep. This, I can live with!

We were also experiencing daily tantrums and immediate crying whenever Ava-Yin was told no, or not given what she wanted. Even these have tapered off. I'm guessing these were her control/manipulation methods at the orphanage, but she's finding it's not getting her very far here. Instead, she's giving tattle-taling a whirl! Makes for a great conversation since she's ratting her sister out in fluent Chinese!!

She and Zoe are still figuring out their sister roles. Zoe has had the toughest time, as we expected, and gives Ava-Yin a good run for her money.  But, there are nuggets of gold woven through the arguing and jealousy. Their sharing, playing, laughing and loving is slowly increasing. They're gonna be alright.

  Every night, I hold their little hands in mine and pray for The Lord to grow our love for one another. He is faithful and He will do it!

She's had several doctor appointments-mainly to give us a baseline for future reference-and all the doctors we have seen have been truly impressed by her development and health. We continue to be amazed that this healthy little girl had not already been adopted...just further proof that God chose her for us. 

Overall, we are thrilled at Ava-Yin's progress and transition into our family. It's not always pretty and A lot has been thrown at her in a very short period of time, but she takes it all in stride and with a good attitude. We are seeing a very smart, kind little girl emerging from her shell.